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payment certificate中文是什么意思

用"payment certificate"造句"payment certificate"怎么读"payment certificate" in a sentence


  • 支付款证书


  • Verify completed work on site and recommend interim payment certificate
  • Payment certificate shall not be deemed to indicate the engineer ' s acceptance , approval , consent or satisfaction
  • A payment certificate shall not be deemed to indicate the engineer ' s acceptance , approval , consent or satisfaction
  • The engineer may in any payment certificate make any correction or modification that should properly be made to any previous payment certificate
  • Until such time as each current cost index is available , the engineer shall determine a provisional index for the issue of interim payment certificates
  • If the contractor fails to submit an application within a period of 28 days , the engineer shall issue the final payment certificate for such amount as he fairly determines to be due
  • If the contractor has not applied for a final payment certificate in accordance with sub - clause 14 . 11 [ application for final payment certificate ] and sub - clause 14 . 12 [ discharge ] , the engineer shall request the contractor to do so
    如果承包商未根据第14 . 11款最终支付证书的申请和第14 . 12款结清单,申请最终支付证书,工程师应要求承包商提出申请。
  • Article 34 the term " proof of tax payment certificate " as stated inarticle22 of the tax administration law shall refer to the various types of tax paid certificates , tax memos , revenue stamps , withholding certificates and other documentation of tax payment
  • The contractor shall ensure that the guarantee is valid and enforceable until the advance payment has been repaid , but its amount may be progressively reduced by the amount repaid by the contractor as indicated in the payment certificates
  • Share certificates , certificates of entitlement to new shares , stock share payment certificates and documents of title to any of the securities issued or placed privately by a company that is not listed in a stock exchange or traded in the over - the - counter market
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"payment certificate"造句  


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